Friday, October 2, 2009

The Daunting College Quest

I'm not quite sure how I got here, to be able to write a blogpost about finding a college?! The toddler years, when we had four kids in six years, seemed to move in slow motion. And then I woke up from the zombie years, and my kids wanted to have playdates with people I'd never met, began asking to go to the movies with groups of kids of the opposite sex, driving, and now thinking about which college they might want to attend!

Although I still have one more year until our oldest applies, it feels as though the very quest is beginning to consume a lot of our time already. I think what makes it all the more odd is I clearly remember these days in my own life and they don't seem that long ago. And, things did not seem nearly as competitive as today. It's kind of easy to sense a bit of a panic in the air...where will they get in? Have we prepared them enough? Since the perfect financial storm has hit our nation and world, can we afford the college of their dreams?

I think what has struck me recently has been perspective. I know in my heart of hearts that God has already mapped out His plan in the life of my child. How tempting it is to want to just sneak a peak into that blueprint and not have to trust Him. He has been so faithful to provide and to lead for all of these years until now. Why do I at times doubt Him at this stage?

My prayer is that He will show up in a very BIG way in my daughter's life. There's nothing more exciting than seeing the hand of God on a child's life. And so, I am going to look. I'm going to keep going down this path trying to keep my eyes on Him, rather than her GPA, SAT scores, or AP test scores. And, I'll pray that He will be SO big that there is no way in my humanness that I will be able to miss His hand on her life. When it is all said and done, I want it to be because of Him, and nothing more. (So, do you want to pray with me for a full ride scholarship??!)

Dear Lord,

Thank you for our kids. Thank you for giving them minds and hearts to study and to learn all that you have created in this universe. You hold each of them in the palm of your hands. Will you be big in this college quest for those of us who are embarking on this journey? You are amazing and we look forward to seeing your incredible hand of provision during this process.

Today's Bargain Tip

My friends and I love to share the burrito bowls at Chipotle - a Mexican fresh fast food restaurant. With drinks, and a small bag of chips and guacamole, each of us can get out of there for $6. They will also give you two large tortillas for free, when you ask! Chrissy has discovered by sharing tacos, you can each pay only $2. You can't beat that bargain. You're amazing Chrissy!

Now go and enjoy every moment!



  1. I still have my head in the sand regarding college - altho' I'm going to have to take it out soon! Love the Chipotle tip!!! Love that place! Shelly

  2. Kim, thankyou for your always inspirational words! Love your blog and always love getting the new entry...

  3. You guys will get through this time with all four of your kids. I'm happy to be on the other side of this with all three of ours. Two have bachelor's degrees and one with an AA. We didn't take any loans and there is no debt either!! It is possible! Good luck with the application process. I think that is the hardest part!
