Friday, October 2, 2009

The Daunting College Quest

I'm not quite sure how I got here, to be able to write a blogpost about finding a college?! The toddler years, when we had four kids in six years, seemed to move in slow motion. And then I woke up from the zombie years, and my kids wanted to have playdates with people I'd never met, began asking to go to the movies with groups of kids of the opposite sex, driving, and now thinking about which college they might want to attend!

Although I still have one more year until our oldest applies, it feels as though the very quest is beginning to consume a lot of our time already. I think what makes it all the more odd is I clearly remember these days in my own life and they don't seem that long ago. And, things did not seem nearly as competitive as today. It's kind of easy to sense a bit of a panic in the air...where will they get in? Have we prepared them enough? Since the perfect financial storm has hit our nation and world, can we afford the college of their dreams?

I think what has struck me recently has been perspective. I know in my heart of hearts that God has already mapped out His plan in the life of my child. How tempting it is to want to just sneak a peak into that blueprint and not have to trust Him. He has been so faithful to provide and to lead for all of these years until now. Why do I at times doubt Him at this stage?

My prayer is that He will show up in a very BIG way in my daughter's life. There's nothing more exciting than seeing the hand of God on a child's life. And so, I am going to look. I'm going to keep going down this path trying to keep my eyes on Him, rather than her GPA, SAT scores, or AP test scores. And, I'll pray that He will be SO big that there is no way in my humanness that I will be able to miss His hand on her life. When it is all said and done, I want it to be because of Him, and nothing more. (So, do you want to pray with me for a full ride scholarship??!)

Dear Lord,

Thank you for our kids. Thank you for giving them minds and hearts to study and to learn all that you have created in this universe. You hold each of them in the palm of your hands. Will you be big in this college quest for those of us who are embarking on this journey? You are amazing and we look forward to seeing your incredible hand of provision during this process.

Today's Bargain Tip

My friends and I love to share the burrito bowls at Chipotle - a Mexican fresh fast food restaurant. With drinks, and a small bag of chips and guacamole, each of us can get out of there for $6. They will also give you two large tortillas for free, when you ask! Chrissy has discovered by sharing tacos, you can each pay only $2. You can't beat that bargain. You're amazing Chrissy!

Now go and enjoy every moment!


Thursday, September 17, 2009

School Days and Sanity

I hope you all had a wonderful summer. Summer is just the best. I love all of the fun memories our family made at the beach, camping, and being with friends. I also loved the lazy days of summer where the kids could wake up whenever they wanted and the days began around noon and seemed to go until midnight. The bickering I did not love, but the togetherness I did. And now that they are at last back in school, I feel like I am able to think once again. There are a few quiet hours now in my house before the afternoon rush, and it feels nice, very nice and sane.

Now, we are back in the realm of waking up when it is completely dark outside. I say a prayer as my two oldest drive off together to high school in the morning and I wonder how did they become 16 and 14 already? How did my time shift from figuring out playdates to figuring out the college admissions process?

Many of you asked me about Caroline's time in Rwanda and yes, she did have an amazing experience. Her favorite part was volunteering in the AIDs hospital and having the patients learn her name and call out to her when she returned each day to visit. It was truly a gift that she was able to take part in that opportunity.

It's funny how it works when you are a mom. Caroline had just gotten her driver's license a week before she went to Rwanda. The day after she returned home, she wanted to drive on three separate freeways to get to the Irvine Spectrum shopping area. It made me WAY more nervous to have her do that than to fly and overnight through Dubai and stay in Rwanda for two weeks! And now my oldest child has complete responsibility for her brother when she drives him in her little Honda to school every day. Crazy!

Recently, I was reading an article about a young mom with a two year old and how she was encountering a ton of "shoulds" as a parent. She felt like she "should" handle naps a certain way, she "should" send her child to a certain school, and the list went on and on.

Now that three of my four kids are in their teen years, I am realizing that there "should" not be any "shoulds" in parenting. Each husband, wife, child, and family is unique. God gives us enough guidance in His word to direct us but to let us make our own choices. So, this fall, I'm going to give up on the "shoulds" and just trust God to lead my husband and I through this next school year with our kids. No "shoulds"-just lots of prayer, a few hours of sanity each day, and the rest is going to be up to Him.

Dear Lord,

Thanks for the amazing children you have given to us as moms. Thanks for crafting each child uniquely. Help us to turn to you when the world shouts out what it thinks we should say and do as parents. Allow us to see our kids through your eyes and to be your arms of love and support, as they begin this new year.

Today's Bargain Tip:

How many of you remember the store called, Pic N'Save, when we were growing up? Well, I remember it well as the store of incredible deals. It used to have cheap quality goods but now it is filled with popular brand names. You might know the store now as Big Lots. It's a great place to buy cereal, shampoo, and household items for a fraction of the price. Check it out the next time your kids are in school and you have a little bit of time to hunt for the bargains.

Now go and enjoy every moment!


Monday, July 6, 2009

Rwanda or Bust!

Did I tell you all that our baby, Caroline, is in Rwanda? Our very first child...the one we thought we would protect forever and never let her out of our in Rwanda. She's been there for a week now, with fifteen other high school/college kids and leaders from Saddleback Church. Thanks to so many of you who generously supported her, she was able to make the trip of a lifetime.

My husband had gone to Dubai on business earlier this year and Caroline told me how much she would LOVE to go to Dubai. I remember thinking that would be great but you are sixteen, and I highly doubt you're going to have any opportunities soon! But I said with a smile, "Yeah, that would be great!" She wanted to see the indoor ski resort that they put right in the middle of the desert and the homes that were being built on the island in the shape of a palm tree. Well, little did I know at that time, she would be going to Rwanda and staying overnight in where? You guessed it --Dubai! In fact, she is staying there not only on the way there, but also on the way back.

The YouTube video that I posted is from one of my favorite artists, Sara Groves. She sang for an event that was hosted by Open Doors this past fall. In the video, she is visiting Rwanda and sees the Genocide Museum. Little did I know as she was playing this song and we were watching the video that my daughter would soon be visiting the same places.

Life is funny that way, you just never know. But then again, I like surprises. I like God showing up and doing big things in my life and my family. It's harder for me when it seems like He is absent and silent. My prayer for Caroline is that God shows up in a huge way for her in Rwanda. I'd love your prayers for her and her safety as well!! Can't wait to see her again soon!! Her room is so empty and quiet and CLEAN!

Dear Lord,

Thank you for all of your blessings. Thank you for providing people in the amazing USA to generously support kids to go on missions trips around the world. Thank you for this incredible country of freedom. Please watch over all of the kids who are currently on summer missions trips. May they make a tremendous impact on those whom they are serving. May their hearts be touched and changed to fall more and more in love with you.

Today's Bargain Tip

Don't forget to check the internet for coupons prior to shopping at a retail store. I recently bought some gifts at the Bath and Body Works sale. I got all of my items for 75% off. I was really happy until the woman at the counter next to me did the same thing, and then presented at $10 off coupon as well! She had printed her coupon off of the internet, prior to visiting the store. The lady was so sweet at the store and kind enough to allow me to use her coupon as well. But it made me think that I should always remember to google the store name and any available coupons, before going shopping!

Now go and enjoy every moment!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

The "Busyness" and Brevity of Life

I love the blogging world and I miss the blogging world when I just don't have time to be a part of it! I realize that it's been almost a month since my last post. A sure sign that life with four kids in the month of May is just WAY too busy!

Sometimes in the "busyness" of this world, I can so easily forget what really matters until I come across something that helps me refocus and remember. This happened recently when a dear friend of mine, Jen DeKlotz, referred me to an amazing link on the site: It's the story of 37 year old Rachel Barkey who is dying of cancer, and most likely has only has a matter of days or months left on this earth.

Rachel, who loves her husband and five year old daughter and one year old son fiercely, spoke to the women at her church in a fifty minute talk, and described her cancer in the hands of a sovereign God. This is a woman who gets it. She gets the whole deal. She understands and accepts that a loving God could allow her to contract this horrific form of bone cancer. She understands that her suffering may be what God uses to help usher just one soul into eternity. And if that be the case, she says it will be worth it and ok. Rachel is very well read and in addition to God's word, she lists her book list on the website.

I encourage you to find time in your own "busyness" of life and make a cup of tea and listen to her message. I promise you it will be fifty minutes very well spent. In fact, it might very well affect how you approach each day for the rest of your time here on earth. My favorite quote from her talk was, "I am here to serve with joy."

Here's one more quote I recently came across...

"Quit living as if the purpose of life is to arrive safely at death. Grab life by the mane. Set God-sized goals. Pursue God-ordained passions. Go after a dream that is destined to fail without divine intervention. Keep asking questions. Keep making mistakes. Keep seeking God. Stop pointing out problems and become part of the solution. Stop repeating the past and start creating the future. Stop playing it safe and start taking risks. Expand your horizons. Accumulate experiences. Consider the lilies. Enjoy the journey. Find every excuse you can to celebrate everything you can. Live like today is the first day and last day of your life. Don't let what's wrong with you keep you from worshipping what's right with God. Burn sinful bridges. Blaze a new trail. Criticize by creating. Worry less about what people think and more about what God thinks. Don't try to be who you're not. Be yourself. Laugh at yourself. Quit holding out. Quit holding back. Quit running away. Chase the lion."
- Mark Batterson

Dear Lord,

You know how busy we all are, especially at this time of the year. Would you help us to realize the brevity of life each day? Would you help us to believe you for great things in our life and to accept your sovereign plans for our lives, whatever those may be. More than anything, help us to remember that in the blink of an eye we will be spending eternity with you where there will be no more pain and no more sorrow, only pure joy.

Money Saving Tip

Have you found the local dollar store in your area? You'll find gift bags for a dollar, tissue paper for a dollar, and all kinds of school supplies. Some dollar stores have fresh produce for a dollar. I just found out that my local dollar store creates a dozen balloon arrangements for far less than the local party goods store. You just might want to go and check it out!

Now go and enjoy every moment!


Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Bird is Back in Town

Three of my friends, Dee, Jennifer, and Denise, and I are getting ready to do a retreat this coming weekend in Dana Point. (We would LOVE your prayers!) At times, in the craziness of life and the sixteen children between the four of us, it can feel a bit out of control. And as the retreat gets closer and closer, I begin to wonder, "Am I crazy to be trying to write my talks? Is it too much to try to do this while the kids are all still at home and my husband is in Africa? God, are you hearing my prayers? Are you really such a God of details that you will give me every word to say, and bring exactly the women you desire to be there?

And then, something like the Bird Story occurs, and I am convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that He does care, that He is present, and that He oversees every single detail.

A week ago, Friday, my son's friend's family lost their cockatiel bird. They had forgotten to close the door on the cage and the bird, Sunshine, had not had its wings clipped in a while. So, Sunshine found her way out of the cage and flew to their front yard and across the street. They tried to catch her and were within a couple of feet when she flew out of reach.

Fast forward to six days later when their son, Connor, my son, James, and another friend were walking to the park near my house. We live about a mile away from the bird's home. As they arrived at the park, James happened to notice a bird fly above his head and into a tree. For some reason, she caught his eye because she looked like a household bird and not a bird of the wild. He turned to Connor and said, "Connor, is that your bird - Sunshine?" Connor could not believe it. There she was, sitting right up on a branch in a tall tree.

The boys eventually caught Sunshine with their bare hands. Connor held onto the bird while James called Connor's mom. James asked her to please bring a cage, but the mom thought James was teasing. So, she drove up in her SUV and James asked, "Do you have the cage?" She said, "No - I thought you were joking!! I can't believe you found Sunshine!" And the bird finally made it safely home that day while fluttering around their SUV.

Do you believe God is a God of details? What are the chances that the housetrained bird could survive in the wild for a nearly a week, not get eaten by hawks, and be able to be caught with bare hands? I'm so glad that God is detailed and that He is not a God of chance. I am thankful that somehow He will pull together this retreat in a way that will bring glory to Him because "when I am weak, He is strong" and "not even a sparrow can fall to the ground without His knowledge."

Dear Lord,

We praise you that you are a God of details. Thank you for caring for the little things in our lives. Thank you that you care so much for your children, that not a detail about our lives escapes you.

Today's Bargain Tip: The Purpose Driven Connection Magazine

Rick Warren has a new magazine available that costs only $20 for four issues annually. You can save $20 by subscribing for the magazine because a single issue will cost you $10. He is also providing a DVD of his small group curriculum, "Wide Angle", that he filmed with Chuck Colson regarding a Christian worldview. It also comes with the text for the six week study, inserted in the magazine. Such a deal!

Now go and enjoy every moment!


Thursday, April 16, 2009

Seven Minutes of Pure Surprise

Okay, now that I have figured out how to post a YouTube video onto my blog, I just had to share one more unbelievable clip with you! (Although you must click on the link below, as they have blocked bloggers from sharing the clip on their site.)

This is the story of Susan Boyle, a 47 year old spinster from Scotland who tries out for the television show, Britain's Got Talent. You must see this for yourself, if you haven't yet witnessed this clip:

Yesterday, when I checked YouTube the clip had received 6 million hits. This morning, it has gone up to 12 million. As many people have said, she just opened her mouth and out came the voice of angels. Let God be praised. For He is the creator, the creator of all things. Hearing her beautiful voice draws me near to our Creator, the one whom we will worship for all of eternity. (Perhaps we will all have Susan's kind of voice in heaven?!)

Psalm 145 states: "I will praise you, my God and King, and bless your name forever and ever. I will bless you every day, and I will praise you forever. Great is the Lord! He is most worthy of praise! His greatness is beyond discovery!

Let each generation tell its children of your mighty acts. I will meditate on your majestic, glorious splendor and your wonderful miracles. Your awe-inspiring deeds will be on every tongue; I will proclaim your greatness. Everyone will share the story of your wonderful goodness; they will SING with joy of your righteousness."

Dear Lord,

You are mighty and worthy of our praise. Thank you for blessing people like Susan with an unbelievable voice, a voice that touches our souls and draws us near to you. Let us each use the voices you have entrusted us with to glorify You.

Today's Bargain Tip

Buy the quart at Golden Spoon Frozen Yogurt for your family, or buy some extras when they go and sale and keep them in your freezer. You can save a lot, especially when the $6.99 quarts go on sale for $3.99 and a small is normally over $3.00.

Now go and enjoy every moment!


Monday, April 13, 2009

Dancin' with the Sound of Music

Okay, I love this YouTube video. Check it out - it's only four minutes long and based on the Sound of might just make your day!

Dear Lord,

Thanks for joy. Thanks for fun. Thanks for creating music and dance. You are great and greatly to be praised.

Bargain Tips for Today

Three tips I heard can get a free lift ticket at the BrianHead Ski Resort in Utah with straight A's (Thanks, Teresa Genoway, for the tip!), Orange County Pizza in Trabuco Canyon has large pizzas on sale on Mondays through Thursdays for $7.99, and iTunes now gives a price break for the OLDER songs from my generation. Rock on!

Now go and enjoy every moment!


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Don't go so fast!!

My daughter, who will be sixteen in two weeks, drove us all home yesterday from visiting colleges in San Diego with her learner's permit. I sat in the backseat with clenched fists, while she navigated the freeway, with my husband sitting close by her side in the front seat.

"Don't follow the car ahead of you so closely, you won't be able to stop! Watch out for people merging onto the freeway into your lane. are awfully close to the car on your right." I really want to live to see your 16th birthday!! And the instructions, went on and on...

While I nearly feared for my life, I also sat there thinking and wondering what happened? How did we get here so quickly? One minute, I found out "It's a girl!" The next minute, it seems I blinked and my little girl is driving me on the 405.

How similar my journey with our daughter reminds me of life. One minute it seems like life just stretches out ahead of me forever. The next minute, I am figuring out how to color my gray hair blond or paint it with hair spraypaint. (Seriously, have you tried the Bumble and Bumble hair paint? I love it!) One minute, the road seems nice and flat. The next minute, I am unprepared for the bumpy road or the sudden curve on the road.

I am so thankful that God knows. He knows the bumps, the curves, and the speed by which life will pass us by. I want to focus on the destination, eternity, and where we are headed. With Easter being just a few days away, I want to remember what our Lord has done for us on the cross. I want to keep my eyes fixed on Him, and embrace and enjoy every moment of this crazy life! I don't want to wish it away and I don't want to wish it were different. I just want to keep learning to be content with the ride and be thankful that HE is the driver!

No wishes, just extreme gratitude for the gift of life with Him.

Dear Lord,

Thank you for being our Lord, for rising from the grave, and for providing a way for us to spend eternity with You and Your Father. Thank you for Easter and new life. Give us your joy and your hope in this Easter season to share with someone who may not know you. And, would you please send special angels for all of us who have teen drivers?

Today's Bargain Tip

I was blessed today by a dear friend who gave me a wonderful bag of hand me down clothes that she could not use: Ann Taylor, Banana Republic,...My bargain tip for today is for each of us to put together a bag of clothes that we no longer wear, and see if there is someone we can bless as well.

Now, go and enjoy every moment and have a wonderful Easter!


Thursday, April 2, 2009

Hiding His Word...

God's Word in Our Hearts...

I remember when I was in college and a woman challenged me to memorize God's word, to "hide it in my heart." You would have thought that I would have been inspired, and motivated to do so. Instead, I resisted the thought and countered her by saying, "But that's brainwashing." She agreed. It was brain washing and it was exactly what my brain needed. And, it is still what my brain needs each and every day!

Over the years, I have thought of the truth of God's word where He says,

"My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways says the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts." Isaiah 55:8-9

Sometimes, His way and His word feel exactly the opposite to the way we are feeling. He wants our brains to be brainwashed by His word. If they are not filled with His word, then they are brainwashed by the world's words and ways. I don't know about you but I'm not finding a lot of encouragement in today's world lately. I would much rather be encouraged by the truth of God's word hidden in my heart and in my mind, and to view the world from His perspective.

I love the two verses 10 and 11 that follow the above passage:

"For as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven, and do not return there, but water the earth, and make it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower and bread to the eater. So shall my word be that goes forth from my mouth: it shall not return to me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it."

I love that God's word never returns void, and always accomplishes His purposes.

Right now, I am blessed to be a part of a small group of women who are holding each other accountable to memorize the first chapter in the book of James. Without these women, I would not be as diligent to memorize the verses. We each say the verses as a group and then sometimes say it by ourselves. I am challenged. I am encouraged by one gal who takes her index card ring with her on walks so that she can purposely hide His word in her heart.

Will you join with us and hide His word in your heart? Choose one verse that perhaps helps you with a struggle you are having. Every time you are tempted to be discouraged or to give up, try saying this verse over in your mind. God will meet you where you are at, and He will replace your thoughts with His precious word and promises.

Dear Lord,

Thank you for providing us with your word and your truth. Thank you that you give us weapons in your word to fight the fiery darts of the enemy. Help us to do the hard work of putting your word into our hearts and into our minds. Thank you for being faithful for calling it to mind in the battle.

Scout-a-Rama Booklets

Just a tip for you when you enter the Ralph's grocery store this weekend. Most likely, there will be Cub Scouts selling Scout-a-Rama booklets for $10. It's an amazing bargain. You can save $10 off of a $75 shopping lots of additional free items. On my recent bill, I spent $74 and the receipt said that I had saved $67 (kind of reminds me of old times with double coupons!)

Now go and enjoy every moment!


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Journey

I wonder if your heart has been tugged like mine has with the recent deaths in the news over the past couple of weeks?

Natasha Richardson, beautiful 45 year old daughter of Vanessa Redgrave, died suddenly from falling on a beginner ski slope in Canada. She leaves behind Liam Neeson and her two teenage boys.

Jane Goody, the woman who has been battling cervical cancer in Great Britain just died on Monday. (She was 27 and a single mom with two sons. She knew her cancer was fast progressing and felt like she had very little money to leave her sons when she died. So, she agreed to sell her rights to allow tv cameras to witness her departure from this earth. It was the first "reality tv show" that centered around someone dying.)

The three families from California: six adults, one pilot, and seven children all under age 10, who crashed their plane in a cemetery in Montana. The grandfather was waiting to pick them up and received a phone call that he had lost two daughters, two sons-in-laws and five grandchildren in an instant.

Are you struck as I am how one phone call can radically change your life? One decision to go skiing or take an airplane, and your days on earth are done. It's amazing to me how life as we know it, carpools and all, just seem to keep going on while others around us are nearly paralyzed with mind numbing grief. Whenever I have attended a funeral, I always feel so odd when I reenter life.
I am reminded of the hymn, "It is well with my soul."

This hymn was written by an American businessman, Hoaratio Spafford, whose four daughters drowned when the ship they were travelling on with their mother sank to the bottom of the ocean in 1873. The words to this hymn are still sung today, some 136 years later.

"When peace like a river, attendeth my way, when sorrow like sea billows roll, Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say, 'It is well, it is well, with my soul.' "

Dear Lord,

The days of our lives are numbered. You know exactly how many days we have on this earth. Be with the families and children of those who have suffered such loss in these past two weeks. May we be a comfort to those around us who have also suffered a recent loss. Help us to live each day here as if it were our last, and to cherish every moment.

The ESV Study Bible

Here is a bargain for $32.49. The English Standard Version Study Bible is an incredible resource that is available for the public. It has 2,752 pages which is equivalent to a 20-volume Bible resource library all in one volume.

According to their website, "the ESV Study Bible has 2 million words of Bible text and insightful teaching in 2,752 pages.

20,000 notes—focusing especially on understanding the Bible text and providing answers to frequently raised issues.

Over 50 articles—including articles on the Bible’s authority and reliability; on biblical archaeology, theology, ethics, and personal application.

200-plus charts—offering key insights and in-depth analysis in clear, concise outline form; located throughout the Bible.

Over 200 full-color maps—created with the latest digital technology, satellite images, and archaeological research; printed in full color throughout the Bible.
80,000 cross-references—to encourage easy location of important words, passages, and biblical themes.

40 all-new illustrations—including full-color renderings and architectural diagrams of the Tabernacle, the Ark of the Covenant, Solomon’s temple, Herod’s temple, the city of Jerusalem in Jesus’ time and throughout the history of Israel, and many more."

You can check it out for free at

Now go and enjoy and CHERISH every moment!


Friday, March 20, 2009

Paint Colors and Disneyland Days

Paint Colors

What is it about paint colors that makes it SO hard to choose the right color?

You see it in a friend's house, you love the color, you go and buy the can of paint, and then you put it up on your walls and are convinced it is a different color! The paint stores shudder when they see me coming! One time, I bought 11 different cans of paint for the exterior of my house. You see, I had an orange roof, so the color could not go green or it would look like Halloween. And, I couldn't tell until it was up on the exterior. The color looked different when it was sunny out than when it was cloudy.

I feel really sorry for the painters. Their job is to paint and yet how many times have I asked them, "What do you think? Does this go pink or yellow or green when it's on the wall instead of tan?" (Numerous times, that "painter" has been my husband!)

I have learned a few things along the way...

The type and color of flooring you have, the color of your ceilings, whether or not you have a pool outside to reflect the light, all factor into why the color might look different in your friend's home or different on a swatch than in your lovely home.

The Dunn Edwards paint store will give you free samples in the "flat" type of paint when you are working with a painter. You just need to give them your painter's contractor number.

The Entertainment Book has a great coupon for Sherwin Williams paint. A friend of mine saved $25.00 by using it.

Tear out magazine articles where designers suggest paint colors they love and have worked well for them in a number of houses.

Always get a quart or multiple quarts if you are like me! Paint a 2 X 2 square on the wall and look at it in the daytime and in the nighttime, as it will change according to the light.

I've learned that unless you get a really good designer to help you, who understands YOUR style, the designers will often gravitate toward the paint colors that they like. I love light colored walls and invariably, people have suggested much darker colors than I would have naturally chosen or been happy with.

I just recommended a paint color called, "Softer Tan," (Sherwin Williams) to a friend. I had seen it thoughout a beautiful house in Corona del Mar with bright shiny white molding. I used in my office and upstairs and LOVE it! It does not go pink, nor yellow, if anything it gives off a very slight hint of green like a beautiful khaki. Try it, you just might like it!

Finally, in the end, it's best to follow the old German proverb, "Choose what you love and love what you choose."

And, always remember that it's just paint. The room can always be my chocolate brown dining room that I had to change back to white, or my white color that was just a tad yellow and we had to repaint it the RIGHT shade of white.

So, what is the inspirational or spiritual insight from this post? Marry someone who is REALLY patient with you when you are choosing paint colors! And, be thankful for how patient our God is with us at all times!!

Dear Lord,

Thanks for being the God of all creation, who created every color into existence. Thank you that You do not grow weary of us and are always patient and loving. Help us to use your strength to be the same toward others.

Disneyland Days

Did you know that this year in 2009, you can go to Disneyland free on the day of your birthday? So fun! You can sign up simply by logging onto My friend, Teresa Genoway, has tried this out and had a blast with her kids. She also found out that you are eligible to then return to the other park (California Adventure or Disneyland) within 30 days for free as well. So, it's basically two days for free! One of the perks for living 20 minutes away from the Greatest Place on Earth!

Now go and enjoy every moment!


Monday, March 16, 2009

"The Dove Dash" - and Deals!

The "Dove Dash"

Do you ever wonder what you're missing, in terms of knowing where God is at work in your community? I know He is always at work. But sometimes in the craziness of life, I am just not able to see it nor to be a part of it.

I was allowed to see a glimpse of Him at work in my community this weekend...
We have an event in our community called, "The Dove Dash." This year was the eighth annual event. It is a 2.5 mile run/walk in support of Ryan Corbin, Pat Boone's grandson. Ryan was 24 years old when he fell through a skylight on a rooftop in LA. A bright, articulate man, engaged to be married, whose dreams were suddenly shattered. Ryan is now in a wheelchair and slowly making progress on his brain injury. Ryan's Reach ( was founded on his behalf in order to help aid brain injured individuals and their families. There is a very moving video of Ryan and his story on the website.

Last year, I REALLY wanted to do the Dove Dash. However, since it is a fundraiser, you need to register ahead of the day of the event. If you decide to just show up, you have to get there around 6:30 am. I didn't get around to registering early last year, so I told my two girls I would wake them up and we would go register and do the run. They were excited the night before. However, when I tried to wake them up at 6:00 am the next day, they both convinced me they would run it next year. So, all three of us went back to sleep!

This year, I was bound and determined to go! I registered myself, my husband, and one of my daughters in advance. It was raining as we walked down our street to the entrance of the community where the race started. It didn't take long for us to realize just how blessed we were to even be a part of this event. Hundreds of runners were there to run for Ryan's cause. Pat Boone dedicated the event, while another gentleman sang the star spangled banner. Just before the gun went off, 20 doves were released into the sky - a symbol of holiness, innocence and fidelity.

During the middle of the run, as I approached the two mile mark, I saw one of Ryan's family members pushing him in his wheelchair. I got all choked up as I was running just thinking of their family's ordeal and how one day in heaven, there will be no more tears or sorrow. Don't you think that some things are just too hard for humans to comprehend and we are just called to trust? This family is an amazing testimony of faith and trust in God, and hope for the future knowing it is in God's hands.

I was in awe of all of the volunteers who it took to pull off this event and to serve a complete sit down pancake breakfast at the end of the run. Even the local grocery store had participated and presented a check to Ryan's Reach for over $6000.

Despite the floundering economy in our land, there was HOPE that tied these members of our community together to support a cause bigger than ourselves.

Despite Ryan's body not working as it used to on this earth, there was HOPE that one day in heaven, he will speak and run as if this had never occurred.

Despite the rain, there was HOPE in the hearts of every runner of the race that they could do a little something, perhaps make a tiny sacrifice, that might help a young individual and others like Ryan.

It was a glimpse of God at work.

I hope the next time God is at work in a mighty way in my neighborhood, I am not sleeping. I wonder what else I may have missed?!

Dear Lord,

Help us to be aware that You are at work. Cause us to remember that you never slumber nor sleep, but You are always at work in our midst. Let us have the eyes to see You and cause us to never be the same again.

The Deals

A friend of mine in Chicago, IL, Stephanie Raquel, told me about a money saving website created by a friend of hers. It is called . There are hundreds of coupons available for you to print for all kinds of name brand stores that you will recognize. Some of the savings are up to 75% off of the retail price.

Check it out, so you're not the one wondering what you may have missed!

Now go and enjoy every moment!


Friday, March 13, 2009

Walking in Step with God

My two golden retrievers amaze me. They are very perceptive.

They sleep on the floor in our room and when the alarm goes off they begin to wonder. "Is today the day?" "Do we get to go with our buddies on a long walk?" "Could it really be?!" And, they begin to watch me very carefully. "Is she getting out her workout clothes or street clothes?" The hat, the sweat pants, and the running shoes are dead giveaways.

As soon as they see what I am wearing, they "rejoice with gladness" with non-stop tail wagging, when I am wearing workout clothes. They begin to follow me into every room in the house, and wait in the family room while I make the lunches. They even somehow realize that there is a slight time delay in getting ready and getting the kids off to school, before their walk begins.

But, when I emerge in street clothes instead, they just lift up their heads, look at me and go back to sleep on the floor.

When I see their ability to perceive what is going on, it sometimes makes me wonder about my own ability to perceive what is going on in my own life. Am I that aware of God in my midst? Do I recognize His presence and His plans for me for the day?

Now, what my dogs REALLY don't understand is when I emerge in workout clothes but there is no walk for them, because I am instead headed for the gym where no dogs are allowed. It's a bit of a bait and switch, and a real bummer for them. But, somehow, they don't seem to hold any grudges and are just as happy to be with me when they get to go on their next walk.

I think I can learn a lot from my two pals, Daisy and Lily...

Dear Lord,

Help us to be in step with You and Your plans for us. Help us to be aware of all that you are doing in our midst. And, when we don't understand, help us to trust You because of your great love for each of us.

Money Saving Tip for the Day

I learned a fun tip from John Piper's blog yesterday (his link is posted under the right side column of my blog). He said that you can go to and download some new modern day recordings of some classic hymns. It's absolutely free, I tried it last night. (It's also cool because apparently CXVI stands for the page number where Aslan sings Narnia into being in CS Lewis' writings.)

So, take a look, download them onto your iPod and go take a long walk with God (and your dogs, of course.)

Now go and enjoy every moment!


Monday, March 9, 2009

The Little Green Table Then and Now

Early on in our marriage, my husband and I travelled to Hungary, behind what was the Iron Curtain at the time. We met a darling missionary couple from the US who were investing their lives with considerable risk and living in Budapest. We were invited over to their apartment and the wife showed us a little green colored table that she had found on an old estate. She bought it for a song and said to me, "I just love how God knows how much I love bargains and provided this for us."

Do you know how someone can say something and they don't even realize that it was significant to you? It made an impact on me because I remember thinking - wow! Does God really care about that for her? For me? Does He love us SO much that He wants to bestow gifts upon us? He does. I have seen over the past twenty years that He loves to do this, because He loves us. He is SO creative, and knows what we will love better than we do ourselves.

Have you asked Him to meet a need in your family's budget? Do you believe He owns everything? "For every animal of the forest is mine, and the cattle on a thousand hills." Ps 50:10.

I think this was the beginning of my quest for bargains...asking God to provide for us as our family grew to six people over the years, in amazing and creative ways. How He is able to do it, I do not know. All I know is that He knows our budget, our needs, our hearts, and our desires. He is able, more than able. And the best part is, when we find a real deal, there is more to give away ultimately back to Him.

Dear Lord,

Help us to come to You as our Provider, Jehovah-Jireh, the giver of every good and perfect gift. Help us to see You meet our needs in unbelievable ways - where the provision can only be attributed to You.

The Little Green Table Now...

I wanted to post the above picture to show you a sampling of some amazing bargains that are out there for everyone to find:

Antique Oval Mirror - Craig's List - $25

Old Man/little girl in the boat painting - Goodwill - Originally $25 at the Goodwill but on sale for half price for $12.50.

Golden bird circle - JoAnn's Fabrics - 30% off - $13.99

My own little green table - (Ethan Allen) - Craig's List - $75 - Originally $269.

Italian Soup Tureen - Estate Sale in San Juan Capistrano - $40 - (The very fun God-thing was that the tureen matched the four cups and saucers we had purchased in Italy, four years prior!)

White Swedish Chair - Craig's List - part of a dining room set - approx $60 - originally $399.

I am convinced that finding the deal is more than half of the fun, especially when we realize WHO helped to guide us to find the deals in the first place!

I'd love for you to post your comments about your favorite deals!

Now go and enjoy every moment!


Thursday, March 5, 2009

Blogging and Bagels...

"Life is short and a fevered rehearsal for a concert we cannot stay to give. Just when we appear to have attained some proficiency we are forced to lay our instruments down...How completely satisfying to turn from our limitations to a God who has none. Eternal years lie in His heart. For Him, time does not pass, it remains, and those who are in Christ share with Him all the riches of limitless time and limitless years." A.W. Tozer, Knowledge of the Holy

I love this quote and I love the visual of laying down our instruments when He deems we are ready to be with Him. Can we even imagine that day?

I've been thinking about this blog and asking myself, "What do I want the real focus of EVERY MOMENT to be?" Should it be funny life stories about maximizing our resources, or should it be about the Christian worldview, or should it be a blend? I know that I like variety, and I hope you do too, because I think it's going to be a blend. I'm going to keep the format of the spiritual idea to ponder, the brief devotional prayer, and the financial tip for the day. But the themes will vary...and in the meantime, I'm going to keep playing my instrument and praying my music is pleasing to Him! Will you keep playing with me?

Dear Lord,

Remind us of this life being a dress rehearsal for eternity. Please give us your eyes to see the things that are not of this world and let us use our time for Your purposes. May our lives be pleasing songs to You.

Money Saving Tip of the Day

Today's tip comes from Tiffany Carlson of Trabuco Canyon. Did you know that you can purchase a whole bag of day old bagels at East Coast Bagels on Santa Margarita Parkway in Rancho Santa Margarita for just $2?
Bagels and Brew on Alicia Parkway also offers half price bagels in the late afternoons. So, check out your local bagelry for a great savings. Slice the bagels in half and pop them in your freezer so they are easy for the kids to toast in the mornings.

Now go and enjoy every moment!


Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Three Things and Three Flavors

The Three Things

My husband and I were privileged to attend an incredible conference this past weekend in Laguna Niguel. It was sponsored by an organization called , "The Council for National Policy" (CNP), of which we have been members for the past five years. It can be thought of as a conservative policy organization that meets three times a year to reflect on the state of our nation and strategize for the future.

Dennis Prager, a conservative radio talk show host, spoke Friday afternoon and succinctly said that there are three things that distinguish ourselves as a unique nation in the world. I am blogging about this topic because I believe it is important to remember to tell others about these three things. Each of us in our individual lives still has the power to make a significant contribution to our American society. Ronald Reagan once said, "All great change in America begins at the dinner table."

No other nation in the world has these three values together: "In God, We Trust," "Liberty", and "E Pluribus Unum" (from many comes one). And they are all found on our US dollar. Liberalism is at war with all three. Here is why in Dennis Prager's opinion, the combination of these three things make our nation unique.

1. On our currency is printed, "In God, We Trust." Our society is unique in that it is based on Judeo-Christian values. Most people do not know what is inscribed on the Liberty Bell, including me. Do you? Do your children know? It is taken from the book of Leviticus 25:10, in the Torah of the Old Testament. It says, "Proclaim liberty throughout all the Land unto all of the inhabitants thereof." Let us not forget that our ethics come from God, from His word in the Old Testament.

2. Liberty. We are all born equal, before God. Liberty is the freedom to be all that one can be, with a minimum of restrictions. It is not to be a decision between liberty or equality, for they cannot truly coexist at the same time. Liberty is opportunity and equality means that some will be limited to give others an equal chance. We are to be liberty oriented, not striving for equality as in most European societies. Focusing on liberty (and not equality) and the opportunities that come from it, is a major strength of our nation.

3. E Pluribus Unum - from many comes one. No where else does an immigrant become assimilated into a culture and truly become a part of that society. One can grow up in Turkey, immigrate here and immediately become an American. Today we are told that multiculturalism is the strength of our nation - that is not exactly true. We have always had many cultures, but we should not promote multiculturism, as it is the opposite of assimilation. It preserves our differences rather than uniting us. We are to promote assimilation, becoming American and a part of our great nation for those who CHOOSE to immigrate here. We do not care where you come from, and no where else can you become as accepted as here.

I saw this firsthand when I lived in Sweden for a year in the 1980's. Turks, Egyptians, and Iranians immigrated there and their country's policy was open toward them. However, once they immigrated they were never truly received as a part of Swedish culture. They remain Turks, Egyptians, and Iranians in that country today even as Swedish citizens.

These three things are what Dennis Prager, a Jewish scholar, referred to as the American Trinity. Can we be challenged by the quote from Ronald Reagan to discuss these ideas around our dinner tables with our kids or coworkers? Pose the questions, "Why is our nation unique? Why is it important that we recognize and fight to preserve and protect its uniqueness?"

Dear Lord,

You are the author of the Old Testament and the New Testament, the books from which so many of the values of our nation have sprung. Let us remember to pass on your truths, your commandments that have given us our ethics. May You find us faithful. Help us to do our own part in proclaiming your truth.

Three Flavors

Close by to where we we stayed in Laguna Niguel is my absolute favorite, by far best bargain yogurt place around. It is called Kultured Kitchen. (Exit the 5 Freeway at Camino de Estrella and head west. It will be on the south side of the street a couple of lights down the road.) It is a mom and pop shop, non-franchised, with huge portions. A small yogurt is $4.17 which includes three of my favorite flavors: coconut, mocha, and cappucino and a bag of carob chips and peanuts. A real bargain for a lunch or a perfect treat for the kids after a day at the beach.

Now go and enjoy every moment and discuss our great nation with your kids!


Thursday, February 26, 2009

Cupcakes and More Cupcakes


I'd like to begin by saying that the photo of this cupcake is definitely NOT a picture of what my homemade cupcakes look like. Can any of you relate? Have you ever just had one of those days that seems to spiral in slow motion downwards? Yep. For me, that was Wednesday of this week.

My daughter's birthday is Saturday and she asked that I bring 45 cupcakes for her swim team. ("Mom, most moms bring pizza, drinks, and dessert for the WHOLE team.") "Today, HONEY, I am just making cupcakes quickly before I drive your sisters and brother to soccer, dance, youth group, and take you to swim practice..."

My plan was to make "red velvet" cupcakes. I should have known something was up when I placed the batter in the oven and it looked a bit suspicious. It was speckled, a bit like a leopard's skin. I thought maybe the four sticks of butter had something to do with it! Two seconds later, the phone rang and it was a dear friend whom I hadn't talked to in several years.

As we talked and talked, I kept checking the cupcakes as they began to morph before my eyes. At first they looked somewhat normal. However, by the end of the baking time, they had fallen along with my expectations of having anything close to "velvet" in appearance. Finally, when I pulled all 45 cupcakes out of the oven, they had shrunken to inverted unrecognizable shells about 1/4" thick just coating the cupcake paper liners. The color that was supposed to be red resembled more of an unappetizing color of brown/red, a bit like Indian clay gone bad.

I could not figure out where I had gone wrong with this internet recipe until finally it dawned on me. The recipe had said to set aside the flour at the beginning. (I had instead thought, why? I'll just add it directly to the recipe later.) I had forgotten to add a simple SEVEN CUPS of flour to my cupcakes for the masses. Why, Lord, I asked? Why?

Could this have anything to do with the verse I am memorizing in my Bible study right now - James 1:2, "Consider it ALL joy my brethren when you encounter various trials, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance...."

Needless to say, after a total of three trips to the same grocery store in a single day to purchase additional ingredients and ingredients I kept forgetting, the cupcakes were baked from a box.

Did I also mention that my husband was at home sick that whole day with the flu? And did I remember to mention that you might want to close the rear windows of your van when you go through the car wash?

Dear Lord,

On days that just seem beyond crazy and out of control, would you help me to keep my focus? Would you help me to keep my eyes fixed on you and to keep persevering? Would you bring glory to yourself somehow through this frail body of mine? Thank you for love and unending grace.

More Cupcakes

Here is a splurge tip for the recessionary times in which we live. Go on a date with your husband to "Sprinkles" - a cupcake bakery in Corona del Mar. It is a darling little store that specializes in cupcakes. They are perfect, beautiful, and just like the pictures. Their packaging is exquisite and everything is perfectly in its place, a welcome change from a life with four children! Did I mention that one of their specialties is "red velvet" cupcakes that are REALLY red with white icing?

At first, I thought it was a joke that a single cupcake was priced at $3.25. Now, I'm beginning to think it is a real bargain. And for $7.50, with a cupcake for you and your husband, it's a pretty cheap date!

Now go and enjoy every moment!


Monday, February 23, 2009

"I Chose Love" and Cheap Movie Tickets

My family and I watched a large portion of the Academy Awards last night. The girls and I loved seeing the beautiful gowns and the latest in fashion; who was with whom and who was not with whom this year. There is always a certain elegance in the air with the Oscars, and a certain mystique that captures the hearts and dreams of people around the world.

And yet there is often an agenda that is hidden, or maybe not so hidden in many of the films that are promoted that is contrary to traditional American family values. Suffice it to say that box office results do not often, nor always, predict success at the Oscars.

With that said, there was one quote that I really enjoyed from A.R. Rahman, the composer of the original score of "Slumdog Millionaire":

"All my life, I've had a choice between hate and love. And I chose love. And it brought me here. God bless."

I love that each of us has the same option before us every day to choose love or to choose hate, whether we live in the slums of Mumbai or in Orange County, CA. Sara Groves sings, "Generations will reap what I sow. I can pass on a curse or a blessing..." Let's ask ourselves the next time we are faced with a choice, am I choosing love or choosing hate? Am I passing on a curse or a blessing?

I think of the little nine year old Indian girl who played Latika in "Slumdog Millionaire". She was sitting there awestruck last night in the Kodak Theatre. Although she played the part of the little girl in the slums of Mumbai, India she actually still resides in the slums. I don't know if her real life will have the same fairy tale ending as the movie. I am hopeful that this movie may be her ticket out of the slums.

But I do know this. God has given me the ability to choose love. May I choose love.

Dear Lord,
The stakes are so high. Help us to choose love, and to choose You. Thank you for the truth. Thank you that the truth will always prevail. Thank you that you are the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

Cheap Tickets
Quick tip....spend $40 and buy an Entertainment book this year. (Actually because we are already several months in 2009, the book is now only $23.00). You will save enough money on movie tickets alone to make it worth your while. Just bring one of the Regal coupons to the box office window and you will be able to purchase two tickets for $6.75 each. This is a significant savings from the normal price of $11.00. Don't forget to sign up for a Regal card as well. The last time I showed my Regal card, while using my Entertainment coupon, I received three coupons: one for a free movie, one for a free popcorn, and one for discounted candy.
Now go and enjoy every moment!

Friday, February 20, 2009

"Sam, I Am" and Eggs and Ham

My husband and I were privileged to be able to go to Egypt with 100 people from the UK, Holland, and the US a few weeks ago. It was truly remarkable to tour the historic sites, to see things in person that I have seen in history books for years.

Do you remember in your little children's Bible the pictures of Moses being placed in the basket on the banks of the Nile? I am not joking when I say that it still looks exactly like those pictures. It felt like a huge step back in time with camels, scorpions, bedouins, and pyramids.

Speaking of steps, there was an older man named Sam on our trip who was only able to take one step at a time. You see, his leg had been amputated due to a car accident more than fifteen years ago. This trip was not a trip for the faint of heart; the tourist and handicapped standards were nowhere near the same as here in the US. There were crocodiles that you could reach out and touch; gangplanks leading to ships, with tiny railings on the one side and nothing on the other. And, there was very little that was handicapped accessible. However, Sam was determined to do everything on his crutches and one leg - one step at a time.

Have you ever felt like God has to take you halfway around the world or to some place totally unexpected in order to teach you something? Every time I saw Sam, I thought of "Sam I Am" - a man who could do anything with nothing standing in his way. He never complained and always acted like a gentleman by letting the ladies go first. He currently has a ministry speaking to troubled teens and encouraging them to live the life God intended for them to live.

He inspired me to live the life God has intended for me to live, to not let obstacles stand in my way or to diminish my faith.

I wish you could have met Sam. He would have inspired you to live all out for God.

Dear Lord,

Thank you for Sam, for his faith, for his ministry, and for his dedication and determination to not let anything stand in his way. I pray that we too could live lives all out for you, with every step that we take glorifying You, Your kingdom, and Your purposes. Give us faith and determination like Sam's to live lives that please You.

Eggs and Ham

People ask me in today's economy where do I do my grocery shopping? Where do I buy my eggs and ham to save the most money and feed a family of six? For those of you in southern California, you know that double coupons were recently discontinued at Ralph's and Von's or Pavilions. I used to spend $100 and my receipt would say that I had saved nearly $100, due to double coupons. However, this is no longer the case with double coupons being discontinued.

The good news is that if you're willing to drive a little bit further you will find much lower prices at Stater Brothers. They do accept coupons up to their face value. I've found many of their prices to be even lower than Costco's. And, if you're ever in Newport Beach there is an incredible place for fruits and vegetables called Grower's Direct. It's right off of 17th street and the 55, on the north side. Some of the prices are virtually half of my local grocery stores' prices.

One more tip...last week I was in a one hour and 45 minute focus group at Trotta Associates in Irvine, regarding groceries that paid $175. If you'd like to be on their list for focus group attendees, just sign up at It basically paid for my groceries for a while and it was a lot of fun!!

Now go and enjoy every moment!


Monday, February 16, 2009

Beach Days and Beach Bargains

Beach Days

"How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them. Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of the sand. When I awake, I am still with you." Psalm 139:17-18

On Valentine's Day, while standing on the sand, we saw a whale spouting out in the ocean. Do you love the beach? I love the beach. It's probably my top reason for loving living in southern California. I love the wide expanse of the ocean, the smell of the salt in the air, the wind blowing in my hair, watching my dog try to catch the waves, seeing the joy on the little kids' faces as they play in the water, and watching the adults deep in conversation...trying to grab a little bit of sanity in the hecticness of their lives.
What always amazes me is that the roads are often packed with cars, and yet unless it is a 95 degree plus day inland, the beaches are rarely packed with people. I would rather go to the beach to unwind, go for a run, or just be with my family there than anywhere else in the world. I've lived a lot of different places and have tried to figure out what it is about the beach that I enjoy so much. I think it is that the beach gives me space in my mind, space in my thoughts.
The beach helps me remember the power of the one whom I serve.
"Who shut up the sea behind doors when it burst forth from the womb;
When I made the clouds its garment and wrapped it in thick darkness,
When I fixed the limits for it and set its doors in place,
When I said, "Thus far you may come and no farther, here is
where your proud waves halt?"
Job 38:8-11
The beach reminds me of my frailty, of my humanness, and of my dependence on my creator. It reminds me of His strength, and utter power. Does this resonate with you? Do you believe as Job later chose to believe, "I know that You can do ALL things. No plan of yours can be thwarted." Job 42:2
He loves you. He is all powerful. And even though it may not seem like it today, He knows what is best for you because of His unending love for you. We need to claim this truth, believe it, and choose to live by it.
Dear Lord,
You are great. You are sovereign. You are all-powerful. Even the winds and the seas obey you. Help us as fragile, frail people to obey you as well and to follow your ways. We love you.
Beach Bargains
We happened to stop by some stores on the Newport Coast during our day at the beach. My first instinct was, I'm sure they'll be WAY too expensive for my budget. However, we stopped in at the Gap, Banana Republic, and Ann Taylor Loft and I was pleasantly surprised. I walked to the back of the stores to their sale racks and here were my top bargains:
A Valentine's shirt for my daughter for .01 cent - that's right. One penny!
A cute skirt for me that started at $44.00, was marked down to $4.88, and then discounted another 20% for a total price of $3.90.
A pretty pair of lined black pants that originated at $78.00, marked down to $9.88, and then discounted another 20% for a total price of $7.91.
So, just because the location was ritzy and the stores are higher priced, it's worth checking the sale just never know what bargains might be waiting for you and your budget!
Now go and enjoy every moment (and take a trip to the beach, it'll do you wonders!)

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Being Kingdom Driven and Driving for Diamonds

Being Kingdom Driven
One of my favorite people in the world is a woman named Anne Ortlund. She has lived a rich, and very full life and has made a tremendous impact for the kingdom. What I love about her is that she is driven by the priorities of God's kingdom and not her own. She knows that life is short and she wants everything that she does to count for Him.
Anne is best known for being a phenomenal author and speaker. She is also a very gifted composer of music. She and her late husband, Ray Ortlund, began discipling/mentoring young people in the Orange County area years ago. They would each select 5-6 people to be in their groups. In order to participate, the individual had to agree to be there at every meeting unless it was a true emergency. And, each person had to agree to then lead groups of their own in order to pass on what they had learned to others.
When I was interviewed to be in Anne's group, I was what I thought to be relatively young at 37 years old. However, Anne loves to mentor women who are in their 20's. Why? So they will have more time to disciple others. This is what I mean by strategic, kingdom driven thinking.
Well, I made it into her group by the skin of my teeth, and the already visible wrinkles on my face! Since I have a few less years to pass on what I've learned...maybe I now sense an extra urgency to be strategic with my decisions.
How about you? Is there a decision you need to make that needs to be weighed between earthly priorities and kingdom priorities? Are you making choices that reflect that you are kingdom driven or driven by the world's ways? Let's help each other to stay on track, to make the most of every moment for His kingdom.
Dear Lord,
Help me to remember to be driven by your priorities and not my own. Allow me to reflect on your higher kingdom purposes and to make every choice according to those purposes. Thank you for people like Anne who help to lead us in a deeper more intentional path with you.
Money Saving Tip for the Day - Driving for Diamonds
Since Valentine's Day is in three days, here is a bargain you can get for FREE for you or your loved one. Sterling BMW in Newport Beach is offering a free 1 carat stone to the first 500 people who take a test drive in one of their BMWs. There is no catch. In fact, 499 of these stones will be made of cubic zirconia. But one stone will be a real 1 carat diamond. After your test drive, you just need to take the stone across the street to Newport Jewelers to have it authenticated and mounted in a pendant. You might be the lucky winner of a free diamond. Even the general sales manager does not know if the diamond has been given away yet.
Let me know in a post if you are the lucky winner!
Now go and enjoy every moment!


Sunday, February 8, 2009

Our destinies and designer catalogs

Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.
--Frank Outlaw
Destiny is a funny much do we control and how much is totally out of our control?
We do know that the above areas are areas God has given us to honor Him and to allow His strength to help us make the right choices in every moment of every day. And when we don't, He is still there to love us and to help conform us to His image, provided we are willing.
Beth Moore writes in her new workbook on the book of Esther,
"As painful as the process may be, that which shatters our superficiality also shatters the fetters of our fragility and frees us to walk with dignity and might to our destinies. We are not the fragile flowers we've considered ourselves to be. We, like Esther, are the warrior princesses of God."
Dear Lord,
Help me to make the choices that honor You in my life. Cause me to remember where I am headed... spending eternity with You. I pray you would also cause our children to remember to reflect You in each of their choices as they establish their own character. May our destinies on this earth bring You glory.
Money Saving Tip for the Day
Keep any store catalogs for furniture or store accessories that you like. Search on under furniture or household goods in the city or county in which you live. Narrow down your search by typing in the store's name for example, Pottery Barn or Ethan Allen. Once you find what you are looking for, you can often match the item in the catalog, see the original price, and the dimensions of the item. Then you will know if it's worth going after as a great bargain or not, often a tenth of the price, and whether or not it will fit in your house!
Now go and enjoy every moment!

Friday, February 6, 2009

To the ends of the earth and to the back of the grocery store...

Brother Andrew, author of God's Smuggler, and founder of Open Doors once said, "I can get you into almost any country but I cannot promise that I can get you out."

People ask me all the time, aren't you scared that your husband travels to such dangerous places, where Christians are persecuted for their faith? How can you let him go? Don't you worry?

My husband is an adventurer - he loves to push life to the limit, to the outermost edges. He also knows that when he goes to these crazy, unpredictable places he will better be able to report on what he has firsthand observed. It's more believable, more gripping, and more real. He loves being able to be one little voice along with many others for the persecuted church. He loves what he does and I love that. So, because he loves what he does, I'm ok with him doing what he feels he was made to do.

So, do I worry? Most certainly...but would I trade what he is doing in advancing Christ's kingdom on earth for predictability and routine - not on your life!

Dear Lord,

Help me to fear You and nothing else. You promise that the fear of You is the beginning of wisdom. Give me wisdom as a wife to turn over my doubts and fears to You. Thank you for holding each of us in the palm of your hand.

Money Saving Tips

Head to the back of all stores for the REAL bargains. The teasers to pull you into the store will be up front. However, the best bargains most always involve a bit of a walk. You'll find the marked down bakery items in the back of the store. The 75% off and more racks will be at the back of the stores in the mall. And, you'll be sure to find the appliances with the tiny scratch or dent against the back wall as well. Trust me, it's worth the walk!

Now go and enjoy the moment!


Thursday, February 5, 2009

Let's Keep Pressing On...

Another friend mentioned to me today that her husband will most likely lose his job...I counted this morning in the Wall Street Journal article after article on store closings, job layoffs, and recession worthy news.

I want to keep my eyes focused on eternity...and heading forward, to avoid getting distracted, depressed or down. (Why do all of these types of words seem to always begin with d??) I read some thoughts recently from Steve Douglass, president of Campus Crusade for Christ, that are helping me stay focused and keep pressing on...


He is sovereign. (God did not just fall off His throne.)
“To the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever.” (1 Timothy 1:17)
The words of Daniel to Nebuchadnezzar:”…until you acknowledge that the Most High is sovereign over the kingdoms of men” (Daniel 4:25)
He loves us. (He always has our best interest in mind.)
“For God so loved the world…”(John 3:16)
“In all things God works for the good of those who love Him” (Romans 8:28)
He is aware. (This crisis and its impact on us has not escaped His notice.)
Read Psalm 139.
“And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered” (Matthew 10:30)

1. Fear/panic.
a. “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear” (1 John 4:18)
b. “He delivered me from all my fears” (Psalm 34;4)
2. Quit (Philippians 3:12-14)
3. Worry/complain (Philippians 4:6-7)

THE GOOD THAT HAS RESULTED (Romans 8:28 promises this)

Non-Christians are more open to the gospel in times of crisis….
Christians are less prone to be self-reliant in crisis.
It’s a unique opportunity to let the light of Christ shine from us.
Financial shortages give us all opportunities to trim personal excess expenses.
It forces us to be creative in fresh ways, in order to be more effective in spite of the problem."

Dear Lord,

Help me to fix my eyes on You, the author and perfecter of my faith. Keep me focused and give me the ability and the mindset to press on and to glorify you. Thank you that you are sovereign and you have been and always will be on your throne, sovereign King of the universe.

Money Saving Tip for Today:

When you find an item you like on Craig's List and are unsure of its condition, email the seller, "On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being excellent condition, what condition would you say the item is in and why?" This will save you time and money, and help you to know if it's worth going after the item.

Now go and enjoy every moment!
